White Paper on Biodiversity: sectoral approaches

sectoral approaches
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Sectoral and cross-sectoral approaches

The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity must be integrated into all sectoral and cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies at all levels of government and industry.

Government will ensure that

        existing policies, plans and programmes support conservation and sustainable use of biological resources and minimize adverse impacts on biodiversity
        all new policies, plans and programmes incorporates biodiversity considerations. A national environmental policy for South Africa will be developed.

It will be required of all Government departments responsible for activities affecting biodiversity ect. to develop sectoral-specific plans based upon agreed guidelines.

A national mechanism will be established to, amongst others, coordinate and integrate government policies that affect biodiversity.

Measures will be adopted to allow for the full environmental, social and economic costs and benefits of conserving and using biodiversity sustainably to be reflected in economic markets, and in national indices of economic status.

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